$199.00 USD

Check box if you would like to create a separate subscription for the additional attendee and have them enjoy their own 2 months free. This requires you to use their email address (different than the original attendee email address) to avoid duplications. After two months, the standard plan is $599/mo and can be canceled anytime.

Add an additional attendee to your purchase

One member from the lab or clinic must be registered order to use the additiional attendee rate OR you must have a Straumann Scholarship. 


If you have a Straumann Scholarship, you must register your three additional attendees individually using this page. 


Check the box and register with the attendees' own email if you would like to create a separate subscription for the attendee and receive the 2 months of training free (online) + live case support. If you use your existing email, the attendee can use the original login to access the platform.